Android users who want to switch to buy iPhones but stumble will presumably obtain funding difficulties "assistance" directly from Apple. Its shape is a program of Exchange add old mobile phones with the new iPhone.
During this time the programme is valid only for the old iPhone. However, the information gathered from the ArsTechnica , Tuesday (17/3/2015) explains that Apple is planning on expanding the types of phones that can be exchanged to add also includes Android smartphone.
Apple Store employees mentioned are getting training to help the Android user want to change cell phone with iPhone. Add the Exchange program reportedly will soon begin within "the next few weeks".
The expansion of this Exchange program is an effort allegedly Apple teases Android users further to switch to leave the Google's platform.
Apple itself has been providing Special Guide page for Android user who want to move data such as a list of contacts to new iPhone.
Apple and Google of the manufacturer of the Android phones are indeed two major adversary that seeks to usurp the user base than the other. Late last January, for example, the CEO of Apple Tim Cook claims that iPhone iPhone 6 Plus 6 and attracted a large number of Android users to switch.
But do not be trigger happy first. Because, in addition to unclear exactly whether will actually apply to Android or not. During this time old iPhone included in the recycle program only rated low by Apple.